• Miscellaneous >> Halal & Haram

    Question ID: 15386Country: United States of America

    Title: Dear Mufti sahab, AssalamoAlaikum wa rehma I am living in florida(America)with my husband .we are running a jewelry buisness ,most of our stuff is saleeb(cross)and items of christian religion which are the most selling item in the market our financial situation is not very good .My question to you is selling of cross(saleeb)as pendants and other jewelry is permitted in islam or not please tell me .and my husband is saying what is the alternative way .AssalamoAlaikum wa rehma

    Question: Dear Mufti sahab, AssalamoAlaikum wa rehma I am living in florida(America)with my husband .we are running a jewelry buisness ,most of our stuff is saleeb(cross)and items of christian religion which are the most selling item in the market our financial situation is not very good .My question to you is selling of cross(saleeb)as pendants and other jewelry is permitted in islam or not please tell me .and my husband is saying what is the alternative way .AssalamoAlaikum wa rehma

    Answer ID: 15386

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 1438/1366=B=1430)


    Cross is purely a Christian?s religious emblem, therefore a Muslim is not allowed to deal in such an item.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India