Social Matters >> Talaq (Divorce)
Question ID: 21741Country: United Arab Emirates
Answer ID: 21741Posted on: Aug 30, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 635/635/M=1431)
Yes, if three talaqs were not pronounced and both (husband and wife) agree to rejoin, then during the iddah period of Khula, the woman can remarry her husband by new nikah.
But, any talaq had already been given before Khula, submit the question again after providing the entire detail.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India
In a Muslim community of Tamilnadu, a group of Muslim elders and religious leaders who adjudicate on matters like divorce, abuse and child custody. The group of Muslim elders and religious leaders have no legal authority but the community can force to accept there judgement. Meeting for judgement happens in mosque, where women are barred entry and cases are decided without there evidence being heard. Woman?s father or brothers represent own daughter or sister. If a woman do not agree with judgement, and go to Indian civil court or police then community go against her. My question is, in this situation what she should do? In the light of women?s right, which is in the Shariyat, not in the light of prestige of relatives, family or community? Q. 2 A woman of Tamilnadu is trying to build a mosque only for women i.e. in that mosque only woman can pray for Allah, and management of mosque will also remain in women?s hands. What says Shariyat about it?
1280 viewsmy question is in regard of fatwa id:8028, if a woman gets khula when she is pregnant with a child after commiting adultery is that khula is valid, and is that child is illegal even after delivery that woman and the man who commit adultery repents to allah and get married, please answer this question in the light of shariah. Is there any punishment for them?