• Prayers & Duties >> Taharah (Purity)

    Question ID: 12677Country: Canada

    Title: How did Rasulullah (SAW) bathe in his time?

    Question: How did Rasulullah (SAW) bathe in his time?

    Answer ID: 12677

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 772/718=B/1430)


    First, he would wash the private part, and then would wash the hands rubbing them with soil. Thereafter, he used to perform wudhu just like salah. Then, he used to pour water on head, right shoulder and left shoulder. Thus, he used to rub the body and pour water thrice.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India