• Prayers & Duties >> Salah (Prayer)

    Question ID: 14343Country: United Arab Emirates

    Title: We have installed a new carpet in our office prayer room. The Qibla diection is offset between 4 - 8 %. If we are aware that the direction is offset, do we need to re-install the carpet in the correct direction or is it ok to pray offset at 5 - 7 %. Please send Fatwaa soon.

    Question: We have installed a new carpet in our office prayer room. The Qibla diection is offset between 4 - 8 %. If we are aware that the direction is offset, do we need to re-install the carpet in the correct direction or is it ok to pray offset at 5 - 7 %. Please send Fatwaa soon.

    Answer ID: 14343

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 1266/1204=B/1430)


    In the question mentioned above, if it is diverted from the Qiblah direction by 8 degree, the salah will be valid. But, if you can reinstall the carpet, it should be put to right direction, otherwise next time while installing carpet it should be taken care of:

    وفي الشامي: ولا باس بالانحراف انحرافا لاتزول بہ المقابلۃ بالکلیۃ بأن یبقی شئ من سطح الوجہ مسامتا للکعبۃ (الشامی 2:111)

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India