Prayers & Duties >> Salah (Prayer)
Question ID: 182829Country: India
Answer ID: 182829Posted on: Sep 27, 2021
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 115/87/M=2/1443)
If a tiny piece of morsel got stuck in the teeth and you separated and swallowed it while praying without taking it out of your mouth, then if that piece was equal to or larger than the amount of a gram, then the salah is invalid. And if it was smaller than a gram, then the salah was valid. So, it is mentioned in the book of Fiqh and Fatawa.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India
I just want to ask to you about kaza namaza. If i could't perform fazr at right time, i go to masjid on johar time, when imaam sahab is about to perform johar farz namaz, should i perform fazr kaza namaz or join to imaam sahab to perform johar, i got confused about kaza namaz some person says that you should perform namaz with tarteeb, if you have completed johar farz namaz with imaam without perform fazr kaza namaz, then after performing johar namaz you should perform first fazr kaza namaz after fazr kaza you should perform johar farz again, because your johar is not complete without first fazr kaza namaz, you will get another reward which namaz you have performed with imaam, but you have not complete your johar. I am very confused, normally i do perform namaz if i go to masjid where imaam is about to perform any time's namaz, after performing that namaz i do perform kaza namaz. If i did a mistake please forgive me. But i just want to be clarified, i do't want to always get confused.