• Miscellaneous >> Dua (Supplications)

    Question ID: 24233Country: India

    Title: I am bisinessman and i have shop I WANT mujarrab wazifa for barkat and tarakki because I am in debt so what should i recite for increament in rozy I PRAY salat and tabligi.pls. help me.

    Question: dear mufti sahab I am bisinessman and i have shop I WANT mujarrab wazifa for barkat and tarakki because I am in debt so what should i recite for increament in rozy I PRAY salat and tabligi.pls. help me. faqt vasslam moh.sadik

    Answer ID: 24233

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 1166/1166/M=1431)

    You should believe that you shall get the livelihood destined for you, in-sha-Allah. For repayment of debt, recite the following dua seven times in the morning and evening with durood 11-11 times before and after:
    اللهم اكفنى بحلالك عن حرامك و اغننى بفضلك عمن سواك
    And recite ayatul kursi for prosperity and blessing. May Almighty Allah bestow prosperity in your livelihood!

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India