• Miscellaneous >> Dua (Supplications)

    Question ID: 15952Country: Pakistan

    Title: Assalam -o- Alaikum, Mufti Saab, I have a problem with my ears i.e. tinnitus (ringing of bell). I have this problem for almost 3 years. I consulted as many good doctors that i could but found no satisfactory answer regarding the cure. All says 2 things 1. use hearing aid, 2. Operation. And as far as i have knowledge, most of the surguries on ear fails even in uk and usa. The voice is irritating and bacomes more intense during ZUKAAM. I am currently trying homeopathic madicines but they are not effective and also using hearing aid. I wrote this question in the light that Our beloved Prophet (Peace be up on him) has tought many things to his Sahaba. There might be a cure for tinnitus. Kindly reply at your earliest. Best regards Allah Hafiz.

    Question: Assalam -o- Alaikum, Mufti Saab, I have a problem with my ears i.e. tinnitus (ringing of bell). I have this problem for almost 3 years. I consulted as many good doctors that i could but found no satisfactory answer regarding the cure. All says 2 things 1. use hearing aid, 2. Operation. And as far as i have knowledge, most of the surguries on ear fails even in uk and usa. The voice is irritating and bacomes more intense during ZUKAAM. I am currently trying homeopathic madicines but they are not effective and also using hearing aid. I wrote this question in the light that Our beloved Prophet (Peace be up on him) has tought many things to his Sahaba. There might be a cure for tinnitus. Kindly reply at your earliest. Best regards Allah Hafiz.

    Answer ID: 15952

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 1455/1463=M=1430)


    May Allah cure you! Keep on using hearing aid and recite this dua after Salah:

    أللھم إني أسألک شفاءً من کل داء

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India