• Prayers & Duties >> Taharah (Purity)

    Question ID: 22006Country: Pakistan

    Title:  i searched the web but my problem is a little different maybe! After i urinate, make wudhu and set for salah, after some time in Salah (ruku) part, i feel urine drops coming out. I want to ask that am i Mazhoor as per this issue? and for the next namaz should i able to get wudhu again?..or will i still be in wudhu (unbroken)?

    Question: Assalam Alyukum' Mufti sahib i searched the web but my problem is a little different maybe! After i urinate, make wudhu and set for salah, after some time in Salah (ruku) part, i feel urine drops coming out. I want to ask that am i Mazhoor as per this issue? and for the next namaz should i able to get wudhu again?..or will i still be in wudhu (unbroken)?

    Answer ID: 22006

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 730/730/M=1431)


    Mazoor (excused), according to Shariah, is one who has the disease of enuresis (urinary incontinence) in such a way that due it he does not find free time that he could offer fardh salah by doing wudhu and the excuse does not happen. Such excused person is allowed to offer fardh and nafl salah with the same state of excuse at the time of each salah by making fresh wudhu. If you have the same degree of problem which is written above then you would be considered excused; otherwise not. If you are not excused then when the urine will drip your wudhu shall break and you will have to re-offer salah by making fresh wudhu. You should do istibra i.e. get satisfaction by walking or coughing after urination, if any drop is discharged, go to bathroom and wash it and then offer salah after making wudhu. If sometimes during salah you feel urine drops coming then after salah check it in privacy, if you see drop or its sign therein, wash that place, make wudhu and offer salah again.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India