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    Question ID: 15651Country: India

    Title: Assalam alaikum, kindly interpret my dream - i can't properly recall the beginning, its like im getting treated in a hospital for something, then i see there is severe bleeding due to mensus and i hear one of the nurse is scolding another that due wrong medicine this has happened im worried because im pregrant, then suddenly the whole scenario changes and im sitting outside my uncles house on pedestrian chair in the same state as in the hospital, then i see my husband and his cousin coming, i run into the house the house to avoid embarasment, though it my uncles house, i see my husbands cousin and his wife (same cousin with my husband) living there, and the lady is not happy seeing me in the house, i again try to go out but i see a very dreadful man coming (like shaitan) coming to harm me, i dont know to do and very scared. in this state of fear i woke up and was very disturbed. pls repy soon, i still feel the fear of the dream as if it actually happened.

    Question: Assalam alaikum, kindly interpret my dream - i can't properly recall the beginning, its like im getting treated in a hospital for something, then i see there is severe bleeding due to mensus and i hear one of the nurse is scolding another that due wrong medicine this has happened im worried because im pregrant, then suddenly the whole scenario changes and im sitting outside my uncles house on pedestrian chair in the same state as in the hospital, then i see my husband and his cousin coming, i run into the house the house to avoid embarasment, though it my uncles house, i see my husbands cousin and his wife (same cousin with my husband) living there, and the lady is not happy seeing me in the house, i again try to go out but i see a very dreadful man coming (like shaitan) coming to harm me, i dont know to do and very scared. in this state of fear i woke up and was very disturbed. pls repy soon, i still feel the fear of the dream as if it actually happened.

    Answer ID: 15651

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 1890/1518=H=1430)


    It means that you are indifferent towards performing salah etc and paying the rights, so the Satan wants to take hold of you. The dream serves as warning that you should pay special attention to remove the same.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India