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    Question ID: 12230Country: AU

    Title: Asalaamvalaikum, I saw one dream that i am at home and my mother-in-law is discussing some food itemwith my husband. I asked her but sh said nothing,as I am having some problems with her.Than, I said that i have already decided the menu. Than I saw that my father-in-law who has died a year ago was a very good and a pious man. He came with my brother-in-law to our house and he lied down on bed as he is not well and plays with my daughter who is 9months old. I went to him and said salaam but he didn't listen to it and than I went near him and said salaam than he put his hane on my head and replied and ask me how i am. Is there any meaning of this dream?

    Question: Asalaamvalaikum, I saw one dream that i am at home and my mother-in-law is discussing some food itemwith my husband. I asked her but sh said nothing,as I am having some problems with her.Than, I said that i have already decided the menu. Than I saw that my father-in-law who has died a year ago was a very good and a pious man. He came with my brother-in-law to our house and he lied down on bed as he is not well and plays with my daughter who is 9months old. I went to him and said salaam but he didn't listen to it and than I went near him and said salaam than he put his hane on my head and replied and ask me how i am. Is there any meaning of this dream?

    Answer ID: 12230

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 895/752=D/1430)


    The condition of your father in law in the hereafter is good. However, the dream indicates that there is negligence from you in isal-e-thawab (delivering the reward) to him through charity, dhikr and tilawah. You should do isal-e-thawab as much you can easily.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India