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    Question ID: 11217Country: India

    Title: Assalaam Ya Sheikh al Aziz, A couple of day before i had a dream before goin to sleep I was listening to Tariq jameel saab's bayan on the signs of the Qiyama, then while sleeping I had a dream In which I heard the Recitation of Sura qiyamah The verses are "fa ida Bariqal Basar wa Khasafal Qamar wa Jumi'a sshamsu wa al qamar....." and i saw there was a calamity i dont remember exactly what happend later, Could you please interpret this dream? jazakallahul Ahasanal Jaza fid Daarain

    Question: Assalaam Ya Sheikh al Aziz, A couple of day before i had a dream before goin to sleep I was listening to Tariq jameel saab's bayan on the signs of the Qiyama, then while sleeping I had a dream In which I heard the Recitation of Sura qiyamah The verses are "fa ida Bariqal Basar wa Khasafal Qamar wa Jumi'a sshamsu wa al qamar....." and i saw there was a calamity i dont remember exactly what happend later, Could you please interpret this dream? jazakallahul Ahasanal Jaza fid Daarain

    Answer ID: 11217

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 365/312=D/1430)


    It is necessary to be ever mindful of the hereafter and the horror of qiyamah. Fix a time and everyday meditate for awhile about the hereafter and reckoning of qiyamah.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India