• Miscellaneous >> Halal & Haram

    Question ID: 13060Country: India

    Title: Assalamualikum,can u please tell me..what is "jhoot" in light of quran.My manager normally tells me to pass on information to our client, which is mostly wrong information.who would be responsible for this sin me or my seniors.Because if i disclose correct information to our clients it will creat problems for my company.In what circumstances a person can lie..like,i heard that one can make wrong compliment to his wife to get his affection & love..Awaiting for your guidence..Jazakallah..

    Question: Assalamualikum,can u please tell me..what is "jhoot" in light of quran.My manager normally tells me to pass on information to our client, which is mostly wrong information.who would be responsible for this sin me or my seniors.Because if i disclose correct information to our clients it will creat problems for my company.In what circumstances a person can lie..like,i heard that one can make wrong compliment to his wife to get his affection & love..Awaiting for your guidence..Jazakallah..

    Answer ID: 13060

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 826/654=L/1430)


    You and your seniors all will bear the sin.

    (2) In an exigent case when there is no way out except lie, then it is allowable to tell lie only for getting his right, averting oppression from himself, making reconciliation between two rivals and pleasing wife. It is haram to tell lie if there is no need to do so. Also, one should avoid telling open lie in cases when telling lie is allowable, rather one should resort to equivocation and prevarication.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India