Title: My wife has 240 grams of gold jewellery which she got it as gift from her mother at the time of marriage. We got married in Oct 2009. All of the jewellery is now being used by my wife on daily basis. Is zakat applicable for the jewellery she is using. To whom all zakat can be given, can the zakat amount be given to mosque for maintenance or as Ramzan chanda. Please advise and give a clear picture on this. When i search internet, I saw articles that jewellery used on daily basis is exempted from zakat. Also my wife is pregnant carriying 4 months, should be keep fasting. Doctor advised not to do so.
Question: Assalam Alaikum, My wife has 240 grams of gold jewellery which she got it as gift from her mother at the time of marriage. We got married in Oct 2009. All of the jewellery is now being used by my wife on daily basis. Is zakat applicable for the jewellery she is using. To whom all zakat can be given, can the zakat amount be given to mosque for maintenance or as Ramzan chanda. Please advise and give a clear picture on this. When i search internet, I saw articles that jewellery used on daily basis is exempted from zakat. Also my wife is pregnant carriying 4 months, should be keep fasting. Doctor advised not to do so. Waiting for your reply Allah hafiz.
Answer ID: 25906Posted on:
Aug 30, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 2310/H=713/th=1431)
(1) The Zakah of those jewelleries is wajib on your wife.
(2) Zakah amount may be given to poor, beggars who do not own nisab and do not belong to the family of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).
(3) Zakah amount cannot be given for the maintenance of mosque.
(4) Zakah is wajib on them though they are used daily.
(5) If there arises any unbearable pain due to having fast, it is lawful to leave it and make its qaza later. And if it is not so then the fast of Ramadan is fardh on him.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India