Prayers & Duties
Zakat & Charity
Question ID: 25537Country: United Kingdom
Title: I gave someone ZAKAT and now the person wants me to lease a car on my name for him and he is making initial payment with my zakat money. Is it permissiable. He has some loans that he has defaulted because of his bad financial health, i know he is worthy of ZAKAT but is it alright for me to lease the car.
Question: I gave someone ZAKAT and now the person wants me to lease a car on my name for him and he is making initial payment with my zakat money. Is it permissiable.
He has some loans that he has defaulted because of his bad financial health, i know he is worthy of ZAKAT but is it alright for me to lease the car.
Answer ID: 25537Posted on:
Aug 30, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 1524/1154/D=1431)
(1) If he is poor and entitled to receive zakah, it is allowed for him to accept zakah, then he can use the amount for initial payment of the car.
(2) If you will take the car on lease, then who will make its payment you or your friend? From which amount the payment shall be made, by zakah amount or other amount, explain it clearly.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India