• Social Matters >> Women's Issues

    Question ID: 9067Country: Canada

    Title: Is it necessary for a woman's eyes to be covered while in observance of purdah? Is it necessary for her hands to be covered while in observance of purdah? Is it necessary for her feet to be covered while in observance of purdah?

    Question: Is it necessary for a woman's eyes to be covered while in observance of purdah? Is it necessary for her hands to be covered while in observance of purdah? Is it necessary for her feet to be covered while in observance of purdah?

    Answer ID: 9067

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 1587/1330=L/1429)


    The best purdah for woman is that the palms and no part of her body and adornments is exposed i.e. the whole body is covered from head to toe. If it is possible to see through the purdah, then the eyes also should be covered. While, the normal purdah is that the eyes, palms and feet are uncovered. However, a woman can uncover her eyes, palms and feet, but if she covers them too, it is better.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India