• Social Matters >> Women's Issues

    Question ID: 3943Country: United Kingdom

    Title: I have two questions: 1. it is often said that if a woman leaves her hair uncovered angels do not participate in that gathering.is there any basis of this in shariah? 2. it is m understanding that according to the ahnaf,when women are performing salah in jamaat it is necessary for the imam to make niyyat for the women otherwise their namaz will not be correct.this is not the view of hanaabila,shafi'iyya and maalikyyah, hence the imam ul haramayn do not make such a niyyah before their salah..does this consequently mean that the salah women offer in the haramayn shareefayn are not valid and need to be repeated?

    Question: I have two questions: 1. it is often said that if a woman leaves her hair uncovered angels do not participate in that gathering.is there any basis of this in shariah? 2. it is m understanding that according to the ahnaf,when women are performing salah in jamaat it is necessary for the imam to make niyyat for the women otherwise their namaz will not be correct.this is not the view of hanaabila,shafi'iyya and maalikyyah, hence the imam ul haramayn do not make such a niyyah before their salah..does this consequently mean that the salah women offer in the haramayn shareefayn are not valid and need to be repeated?

    Answer ID: 3943

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 459/416=L)


    (1) As per Shariah, it is baseless.


    (2) According to the right opinion, if any woman stands beside man in salah and the imam did not include her in his niyyah (intention) then she has to re-perform her salah, but if the women do not stand beside but they pray at separate place then, according to the opinion of Imam Abu Haneefah, the salah of these woman will not be valid until imam makes niyyah for them as well. But according to other opinion, the salah is valid and she does not need to re-perform it. However, it is advised to re-perform such salah out of cautiousness. But, how did you come to know that the imam of Haramain Shareefain does not make niyyah for women?

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India