• Faiths & Beliefs >> The Holy Quran

    Question ID: 3391Country: ZA

    Title: A woman in the condition of haidh or nifaas is not allowed to recite quraan. the question arises as to the meaning of 'recite'. in the masala of qiraat in a sirri salaah, accroding to Shaami, the bare minimum is that the reciter hear his recitation or (according to other aqwaal) tasheehul huroof. so my questions are thus : 1) what is the rulimg with regards to a women in the above mentioned state, who recites quraan without hearing herself, or in her mind. so does this constitute qiraat? 2) what is the ruling regarding a persom who recites quraan in a sirri salaah without hearing himself. ( keeping in mind that tasheehul huroof is nigh impossible without making a sound).

    Question: assalaamu alaikum repected mufti saaheb a woman in the condition of haidh or nifaas is not allowed to recite quraan. the question arises as to the meaning of 'recite'. in the masala of qiraat in a sirri salaah, accroding to Shaami, the bare minimum is that the reciter hear his recitation or (according to other aqwaal) tasheehul huroof. so my questions are thus : 1) what is the rulimg with regards to a women in the above mentioned state, who recites quraan without hearing herself, or in her mind. so does this constitute qiraat? 2) what is the ruling regarding a persom who recites quraan in a sirri salaah without hearing himself. ( keeping in mind that tasheehul huroof is nigh impossible without making a sound). jazaakallah

    Answer ID: 3391

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 276/262=J)


    If a woman who is in his menstrual or postpartum periods recite the Quran (in heart) without using tongue then it is right. (2) In silent prayers it is necessary so loudly that one may listen it by himself; otherwise the salah will not be valid:

    وفی الھندیۃ: ویجب الجھر فیما یجھر والمخافتۃ فیما یخافت ھکذا فی التبیین واختلفوا فی حد الجھر والمخافتۃ، قال الفقیہ أبو جعفر والشیخ الامام أبوبکر محمد بن الفضل: أدنی الجھر أن یسمع غیرہ و أدنی المخافتۃ أن یسمع نفسہ و علی ھذا یعتمد، کذا فی المحیط (الھندیۃ: 1/72) وفی الشامی: والجھر اسماع غیرہ والمخافتۃ اسماع نفسہ فل کل ما یتعلق بنطق کتسمیۃ علی ذبیحۃ الخ فلو طلق أو استثنی و لم یسمع نفسہ لم یصح فی الأصح۔ (الشامی: 2/253)

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India