Title: Respected Maulana Assalamualiakum Wa rahamatullahi barkatahu I got married on October 12 2008. We were having regular misunderstanding. And on February 1 2009 she went to her home asking me to give her talaq. I did not have any intentions of giving her talaq. But later after 6 months my wife came back with her parents and conveyed to me that she will not quarrel with me any more. But the very next day she started all over again. Which impacted me to say her "I will give you talaq, 'Talaq' you are free now do whatever you want", Please let me know what talaq I am in. I want to continue my life with her. Please provide me with a solution. Allah know better Thanks in advance Regards!
Question: Respected Maulana Assalamualiakum Wa rahamatullahi barkatahu I got married on October 12 2008. We were having regular misunderstanding. And on February 1 2009 she went to her home asking me to give her talaq. I did not have any intentions of giving her talaq. But later after 6 months my wife came back with her parents and conveyed to me that she will not quarrel with me any more. But the very next day she started all over again. Which impacted me to say her "I will give you talaq, 'Talaq' you are free now do whatever you want", Please let me know what talaq I am in. I want to continue my life with her. Please provide me with a solution. Allah know better Thanks in advance Regards!
Answer ID: 16005Posted on:
Sep 1, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 1485/1487=M=1430)
In the case mentioned above, your wife was divorced with one revocable talaq, you can take her back during iddah. If the iddah is already over, you can marry her again with new nikah without halalah.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India