• Prayers & Duties >> Taharah (Purity)

    Question ID: 7995Country: India

    Title: Is tayamum an alternate for gussul under any circumstances like chilling cold n no warm water or sickness like fever etc. When use of water may b threatful.. If not what shal a person do? Further if at fajar time gusl is wajib on a person and there is threat of receding the time for farz.What shal he do?

    Question: Assalam u alaikum. Is tayamum an alternate for gussul under any circumstances like chilling cold n no warm water or sickness like fever etc. When use of water may b threatful.. If not what shal a person do? Further if at fajar time gusl is wajib on a person and there is threat of receding the time for farz.What shal he do? Hope to recve d ans soon!

    Answer ID: 7995

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 1253/1075=M/1429)


    In winter, if one fears damage of any part of the body due to having ghusl or any sick person fears that his health get worse then one is allowed to perform tayammum instead of ghusl, normal fever and lack of hot water is not enough for opting for tayammum:

    او یخاف تلف عضو بسبب التبرد خارج المصر اجماعاً و فی المصر عند ابی حنیفۃ او یخاف زیادۃ المرض (الفتاوی التتارخانیۃ 1:175)

    (2) First, such a person should have a bath and then perform the missed prayer.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India