Title: 1. I am facing a problem with my taharah, often I hesitate to pass urine because of this. After passing urine, I try my best to see to it that the last drop of urine is out, then wash with water, after this I walk for a short while on the place where I stand, again wash with water and come out. I use only the INDIAN toilet. After coming out I find some small drops of urine passing out, if I wash it with water, there will be a pressure to pass urine again. Because of this reasons my Prayers(Namaz) have been missing. I am really ashamed to narrate my problem personally to an AALIM, because looking at my face they would be shocked to hear such problems from me, as I ALHAMDULLIALAH have a big beard and wear Sunna'h cap always. I have a desire to become a HAFIZ E QURAN, my elders and other Buzrugs also motivate me in this, but the problem of taharah is being a hurdle for this. ALLHAMDULILLAH about 4 years back I have even lead the tarawih prayers in our masjid(in Bangalore) for the last 3 days of Ramadhan. But then for all these good things taharah is becoming a hurdle. I feel I donot know the way to achieve taharah, rather than feeling it is a problem related to my physical health. I perform WADU for every Salah, suspecting there should be a problem with my physical health(i.e Drops of urine continously passing out). I strongly feel this problem is due to lack of knowledge in achieving taharah after passing urine.
I would humbly request you to guide me to get rid of this problem and pray to ALLAH that my problem of taharah is solved. Please pray for me that I become a good HAFIZ E QUARN, follow the Sharia'h properly and become a good DAEE E DEEN.
I am really sorry for having written my such big problematic description.
Question: Hazraath e Ulama Ikram, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
1. I am facing a problem with my taharah, often I hesitate to pass urine because of this. After passing urine, I try my best to see to it that the last drop of urine is out, then wash with water, after this I walk for a short while on the place where I stand, again wash with water and come out. I use only the INDIAN toilet. After coming out I find some small drops of urine passing out, if I wash it with water, there will be a pressure to pass urine again. Because of this reasons my Prayers(Namaz) have been missing. I am really ashamed to narrate my problem personally to an AALIM, because looking at my face they would be shocked to hear such problems from me, as I ALHAMDULLIALAH have a big beard and wear Sunna'h cap always. I have a desire to become a HAFIZ E QURAN, my elders and other Buzrugs also motivate me in this, but the problem of taharah is being a hurdle for this. ALLHAMDULILLAH about 4 years back I have even lead the tarawih prayers in our masjid(in Bangalore) for the last 3 days of Ramadhan. But then for all these good things taharah is becoming a hurdle. I feel I donot know the way to achieve taharah, rather than feeling it is a problem related to my physical health. I perform WADU for every Salah, suspecting there should be a problem with my physical health(i.e Drops of urine continously passing out). I strongly feel this problem is due to lack of knowledge in achieving taharah after passing urine.
I would humbly request you to guide me to get rid of this problem and pray to ALLAH that my problem of taharah is solved. Please pray for me that I become a good HAFIZ E QUARN, follow the Sharia'h properly and become a good DAEE E DEEN.
I am really sorry for having written my such big problematic description.
Answer ID: 29191Posted on:
Aug 31, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 203/57/file D=1432)
(1) One should not feel ashamed of asking religious queries. In this case, you should use clod or tissue paper after urination and use water after awhile. Later, if only one or two drops discharge and absorb in tissue paper and you fear that by suing water you would feel the pressure of urination then do not use water provided the area of drops is not more than the width of the palm. (B) Also pass water much before the time of salah so that you feel comfortable at the time of salah.
(2) Walk a few steps after urination or lay down awhile and then perform wudhu for salah. Do not have unnecessary doubt and do not pay attention towards it because it may be a Satan whispering. However, if you are sure or your see that the drops are discharged, then perform wudhu and recite the following dua:
اللهم انى اسألك تمام الوضوء و تمام الصلوة و تمام مغفرتك و تمام رضوانك .
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India