Title: I have a problem sperm drops (release of sperm because of some sexual thinking or reading sms etc). As i m working in office, so not possible to get Ghussal, But, I use some tissue paper or polythene to cover the penis and prevent the drops to touch my cloths. For namaz, I remove the polythene and do Istinja to get Tahaaraat. Is this practice is right, and can offer namaz without any doubt? My namazain is affected too much because of this problem, please give me some solution to get rid from this issue. I need your quick reply, as i m planning for Umrah.
Question: I have a problem sperm drops (release of sperm because of some sexual thinking or reading sms etc). As i m working in office, so not possible to get Ghussal, But, I use some tissue paper or polythene to cover the penis and prevent the drops to touch my cloths. For namaz, I remove the polythene and do Istinja to get Tahaaraat. Is this practice is right, and can offer namaz without any doubt? My namazain is affected too much because of this problem, please give me some solution to get rid from this issue. I need your quick reply, as i m planning for Umrah. JAZAK-ALLAH
Answer ID: 24372Posted on:
Sep 1, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 1253/L=310tl=1431)
First, you should remove this problem and contact any expert hakim. Avoid bringing sexual thoughts in mind and reading immoral SMSs. As far as the matter of offering salah in the abovementioned situation is concerned, if drops of sperm are really discharged i.e. it is thick and organ gets loose after discharge, then only doing istinja will not be enough to get taharah rather ghusl will be compulsory. The salah will not be right if you offer it only by doing istinja.