Prayers & Duties
Sawm (Fasting)
Question ID: 7327Country: United States of America
Title: I live is u.s.a...i work for compney who repair appliance(refrigerator,frez,stove)my job is to go to people house to fix(most of non muslim)i have beard is allmost 1fist....1 or 1/2 inch short. from 9/11 muslim get hard time in usa. i am leading taraweeh since 1994 and teaching madrasa fter work.i lead taraweeh 2 time when mufti sab(palanpury) came to usa.This year masjid where i lead traweeh, said i can not lead traweeh ,because i do no have 1fist beard.i do not trim my beard for fashion. i have majbury from my this case am i alllow to lead traweeh?pls give answer soon as posible before ramdan start.assalmu alykum...give sallam to mufti palanpury sahab....
Question: I live is u.s.a...i work for compney who repair appliance(refrigerator,frez,stove)my job is to go to people house to fix(most of non muslim)i have beard is allmost 1fist....1 or 1/2 inch short. from 9/11 muslim get hard time in usa. i am leading taraweeh since 1994 and teaching madrasa fter work.i lead taraweeh 2 time when mufti sab(palanpury) came to usa.This year masjid where i lead traweeh, said i can not lead traweeh ,because i do no have 1fist beard.i do not trim my beard for fashion. i have majbury from my this case am i alllow to lead traweeh?pls give answer soon as posible before ramdan start.assalmu alykum...
Answer ID: 7327Posted on:
Sep 1, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 1118/972=L/1429)
Due to the excuse of work also it is not allowed to trim the beard, it is not a valid excuse. Therefore, if you lead the tarawih prayer it will be makrooh.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India