Title: It would be greatly appreciated if hz mf saheb could kindly answer the followig questions 1) what is the referance of the famous saying of hz ali (ra) "knowledge is my capital...etc etc 2) were the aimmah arba'a bayt to any sheikh and did they personaly take part in tasawuf 3)what is the referance and status of reading "subhaana zil mulki walmalakoot subhaana zil izzati wal azmati...between every four rakaats of taraaweeh?
Question: It would be greatly appreciated if hz mf saheb could kindly answer the followig questions 1) what is the referance of the famous saying of hz ali (ra) "knowledge is my capital...etc etc 2) were the aimmah arba'a bayt to any sheikh and did they personaly take part in tasawuf 3)what is the referance and status of reading "subhaana zil mulki walmalakoot subhaana zil izzati wal azmati...between every four rakaats of taraaweeh?
Answer ID: 2573Posted on:
Aug 31, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 103/105=B)
(1) & (2) We do not have any knowledge about the matter.
(3) One can recite any dua after every tarweeha (four rakat). However, according to Allama Shami the abovementioned dua also can be recited thrice:
قال القھستانی فیقال ثلاث مرات سبحان ذی الملک الخ کما فی منھج العباد قبل ادراک الفریضۃ فی باب الوتر والنوافل (شامی، 3/497)
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India