Title: My question is that there is a builder who is also a muslim who when u invest say rs ten lakhs he says he will give u a fixed return of 30% of ur investment, he actually sells u a flat fro a particular pri ce but guarantes payment of 30% before it sold. Does this tranction HALLAL or does it come under interest. JAZZAKALLH. 2 My other question is regarding saying of TAHAJJUD. Iregularly say my ISHAAN namaz in the mosque and then go to sleep by 11.30 in the night. Can i say my Tahjjud just before i go to sleep i.e by 1.30 or do i have to sleep for some time and the get up to say tahajjud.
Question: My question is that there is a builder who is also a muslim who when u invest say rs ten lakhs he says he will give u a fixed return of 30% of ur investment, he actually sells u a flat fro a particular pri ce but guarantes payment of 30% before it sold. Does this tranction HALLAL or does it come under interest. JAZZAKALLH. 2 My other question is regarding saying of TAHAJJUD. Iregularly say my ISHAAN namaz in the mosque and then go to sleep by 11.30 in the night. Can i say my Tahjjud just before i go to sleep i.e by 1.30 or do i have to sleep for some time and the get up to say tahajjud.
Answer ID: 7160Posted on:
Aug 30, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 1389/1304=D/1429)
It is unlawful to guarantee payment of 30%. It is not right to deal in such way, such dealing involves interest.
(2) You can perform tahajjud after Isha salah before going to bed, you will get the reward. However, it is better to perform tahajjud after midnight having slept for awhile.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India