• Miscellaneous >> Halal & Haram

    Question ID: 36709Country: Canada

    Title: My parents bought me a laptop and internet connection which I use for making money as a part time job

    Question: My parents bought me a laptop and internet connection which I use for making money as a part time job. They bought me the laptop a long time ago and I try to recall and it seems like they bought it with haram money. They might have taken money from someone without telling them or other haram sources like lying to the government etc. I am very worried now on the lawfulness of my income. Since they bought the laptop and internet connection with haram money does it render my income haram as well? Please be aware that I am 16 and live with my parents and my job is to create website online and such. I am getting paid for my services which are lawful but I am using the laptop to provide and create the services, without it. I cannot do my job. My whole business revolves around the internet and laptop they provide me and since it is from haram I was wondering if it makes the laptop haram or my income haram or both? Please help me out I am really worried and a clear answer.

    Answer ID: 36709

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 367/165/L=1433) The earning of the said laptop and internet connection shall not be termed as haram. However if you are sure that your parents bought the laptop and internet with haram money then you should return the money from whom he has taken it illegally after enquiring it, and if it is not known then give such amount in charity. Remember that this ruling is only in the case when you are sure completely that your parents bought the laptop from haram money for you; otherwise only on the basis of supposition and likelihood the said ruling shall not be applicable. However, it is better to give the amount in charity on the basis of supposition as a precautionary measure.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India