• Miscellaneous >> Halal & Haram

    Question ID: 24991Country: Pakistan

    Title: Please tell me whether data entry jobs on internet are halal or haram. Basically in these kinds of jobs company provides you with different advertisements regarding jobs & other stuff which you have to post on different websites. You get paid for that. For more information please visit www.spectrumonlinejobs.com www.cyberonlinejobs.com www.staronlinejobs.com

    Question: With reference to Question ID 24810. Please tell me whether data entry jobs on internet are halal or haram. Basically in these kinds of jobs company provides you with different advertisements regarding jobs & other stuff which you have to post on different websites. You get paid for that. For more information please visit www.spectrumonlinejobs.com www.cyberonlinejobs.com www.staronlinejobs.com

    Answer ID: 24991

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 1498/1128/D=1431)

    Data entry jobs that involve lawful and halal advertisements are lawful. But, it is not lawful to undertake the advertisements of nude pictures or unlawful things, such a job is unlawful.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India