Title: In Pizza delivery job in Canada, person has to bring pizza's to customer door to door. The pizzas are not Halal some are made from Ham, some are from Chicken and some are from Vegetable. The customers are non Muslims and they order Ham, chicken pizzas. In the light of Islam, can I do that job? My duty is to deliver that pizzas only and get a tip or certain amount on each delivery order.
Question: Assalamualikum, In Pizza delivery job in Canada, person has to bring pizza's to customer door to door. The pizzas are not Halal some are made from Ham, some are from Chicken and some are from Vegetable. The customers are non Muslims and they order Ham, chicken pizzas. In the light of Islam, can I do that job? My duty is to deliver that pizzas only and get a tip or certain amount on each delivery order. Jazakallahhum Khair
Answer ID: 23987Posted on:
Sep 1, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 1159/951/D=1431)
This job is not better. However, according to Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمة الله عليه), it can be regarded permissible. It would be better for you to try to get any halal and pure job. However, whatever money you earn is halal.