• Miscellaneous >> Halal & Haram

    Question ID: 21443Country: India

    Title: i am a working women and iam working with full hijab. my husband says that i should do all outside work like bringing grocery,taking children to doctor wen they are ill,paying bills etc .my house is little far from main road .i have to go there to take auto.i am having very difficult to do outside work because i have to walk little distance to take auto.i want to ask u that in these circumstances can i drive a car to complete my outside work. i have a car but i cant keep driver becoz i cant afford it.so,please let me know whether can i drive a car because i only have to do all work?

    Question: as salamualaikum. i am a working women and iam working with full hijab. my husband says that i should do all outside work like bringing grocery,taking children to doctor wen they are ill,paying bills etc .my house is little far from main road .i have to go there to take auto.i am having very difficult to do outside work because i have to walk little distance to take auto.i want to ask u that in these circumstances can i drive a car to complete my outside work. i have a car but i cant keep driver becoz i cant afford it.so,please let me know whether can i drive a car because i only have to do all work?

    Answer ID: 21443

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 563/563/M=1431)


    Your husband is not right in giving you all the responsibilities of outside work. Woman should stay at home. Yes, only at the time of need and helplessness she can go out observing veil. In the question if you are subject to go outside your home to fulfil housework and by driving you can perform that work quickly then you can go by driving with veil.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India