• Prayers & Duties >> Hajj & Umrah

    Question ID: 1167Country: India

    Title: I am going perform hajj with my wife and my anty sixty years old wedow want to come with me, is it lawfull?

    Question: I am going perform hajj with my wife and my anty sixty years old wedow want to come with me, is it lawfull?

    Answer ID: 1167

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 744/744=J)


    You are not Mahram for your aunt: واحل لکم ما وراء ذلکم (سورۃ النساء: 24) Therefore, it is not allowed for you to take her with you in Hajj:

    قال صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم: لا یحل لامرأۃ تؤمن باللہ والیوم الآخر ان تسافر سفراً فیکون ثلاثۃ ایام فصاعداً الا ومعھا ابوھا او اخوھا او زوجھا او ابنھا او ذو محرم منھا (رواہ الترمذی: 1/220)

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India