• Miscellaneous >> Dua (Supplications)

    Question ID: 4822Country: Saudi Arabia

    Title: After Farz Namaz we usually put Right hand on forehead and read a dua (bismillah hillazi Lailahailla hurrehman ur rahim Allah humma azhib anilhuma wal huzn), is it proved by Muhammad Sallalho Alaihay Wassalam (masnoon) please mention the ravi and source and also tell whether it is Sahi/ hasan or zaeef because some arab asked me about it.

    Question: Asalam O Alaikum I am asking the following question 1st time inshallah i'll keep contacting you. Question: After Farz Namaz we usually put Right hand on forehead and read a dua (bismillah hillazi Lailahailla hurrehman ur rahim Allah humma azhib anilhuma wal huzn), is it proved by Muhammad Sallalho Alaihay Wassalam (masnoon) please mention the ravi and source and also tell whether it is Sahi/ hasan or zaeef because some arab asked me about it. Jazak ALLah

    Answer ID: 4822

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 550/550=M/1429)


    It is proved from the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) to recite the dua after obligatory prayers by resting right hand on the forehead:

    أن النبي صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کان إذا صلی وفرغ من صلاتہ مسح یمینہ علی رأسہ وقال: بسم اللہ الذي لا إلٰہ إلا ہو الرحمن الرحیم، اللہم أذہب عني الہم والحزن، وفي روایة مسح جبہتہ بیدہ الیمنی وقال فیھا: أذہب عنی الھم والحزن رواہ الطبراني في الأوسط والبزار بنحوہ بأسانید وفی زید العمي، وقد وثقہ غیر واحد، وضعّفہ الجمہور وبقیة رجال أحد إسنادي الطبرانی ثقات (مجمع الزوائد 110/10)

    While the sanad of the hadith in Al-Mu?jam Al-Awsat is so: حدثنا بکر قال نا عبد اللہ بن صالح قال نا کثیر بن سلیم الیشکري عن أنس بن مالک the words of the hadith are same. Though this hadith is weak, but it has been narrated by various sources, therefore it is practicable.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India