• Miscellaneous >> Dua (Supplications)

    Question ID: 10803Country: United Arab Emirates

    Title: ASAK, Mufti sahab i m working in Dubai for one year but my family(wife,kid)living in india before my plan was to take them here.but now situation is diffrence my company reduced my salary becouse of financial crisis now I am very disturb without my family. i am not able to work properly.recentaly i went home after coming back i am fully frustated what i do pls tell me according to sariya. jazakallah

    Question: ASAK, Mufti sahab i m working in Dubai for one year but my family(wife,kid)living in india before my plan was to take them here.but now situation is diffrence my company reduced my salary becouse of financial crisis now I am very disturb without my family. i am not able to work properly.recentaly i went home after coming back i am fully frustated what i do pls tell me according to sariya. jazakallah

    Answer ID: 10803

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 244/219=D/1430)


    Pray two rakaah Salatul Hajah and supplicate Allah.

    Keep patience and feel content at whatever you were given.

    It is better for you to keep family with you and console yourself in troubles and difficulties by patience and contentment whatever is destined by Allah.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India