Social Matters >> Clothing & Lifestyle
Question ID: 47933Country: India
Answer ID: 47933
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 1361/1361/M=11/1434) Males are allowed to wear silver ring weighing less than one mithqal. Also they may wear the ring carved with ‘Allah’ or other attributive names of Allah i.e. Ya Jabbar etc provided it is not desecrated. Rings bearing the names of Allah should be put off before going to the toilet; likewise papers which carry the names of Allah should also be kept aside before going to the toilet. لو كتب على خاتمه اسمه أو اسم الله تعالى أو ما بدا له من أسماء الله ...... فإنه لا بأس به الخ إذا كان عليه خاتم وعليه شئى من القرآن مكتوب أو كتب عليه اسم الله تعالى فدخل المخرج معه يكره الخ (هنديه)
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India