Title: I am A Bangladeshi.I have beard.I am a Undergraduate student.I want to go to Singapure to study Marine science.But in Marine science in first two years of training the autherity will not allow me to keep beard.after two years when i will be promoted as a officer it will be then my choice.Then I will not bound to shave my beard.Would you please answer ,what can I do now?
Question: I am A Bangladeshi.I have beard.I am a Undergraduate student.I want to go to Singapure to study Marine science.But in Marine science in first two years of training the autherity will not allow me to keep beard.after two years when i will be promoted as a officer it will be then my choice.Then I will not bound to shave my beard.Would you please answer ,what can I do now?
Answer ID: 10618Posted on:
Aug 31, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 136/136=L/1429)
It is wajib to keep beard to one fist length and it is haram and major sin to shave beard; therefore as per the Shariah, it is not allowed for the education mentioned above. For getting education, you should choose a university where you are free to keep beard.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India