• Prayers & Duties >> Sawm (Fasting)

    Question ID: 67411Country: India

    Title: Can I use Vicks and Vicks VapoRub in fasting?

    Question: Can I use Vicks and Vicks VapoRub in fasting?

    Answer ID: 67411

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 1223/1200/N=11/1437)

    Yes, you may use Vicks or Vicks VapoRub during your fast it does not break the fast. However, it is better not to apply it in the internal part of nose as precaution, rather it is better to apply on throat or external portion of nose.


    ولا يتوهم أنه كشم الورد مائه والمسك وشبهه وبين جوهر دخان وصل إلى جوفه بفعله . إمدد (رد المحتار ، كتاب الصوم ، باب ما يفسد الوم ومالا يفسده 3: 366 ، ط: مكتبة زكريا ديوبند)

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India