• Social Matters >> Clothing & Lifestyle

    Question ID: 1726Country: India

    Title: I would like to know why is listening to music prohibited in Islam? P.S: I have known a lot of reasons but i need a good solid reason therefore i expect an elaborated reply.

    Question: Asalaam u alaikum I would like to know why is listening to music prohibited in Islam? P.S: I have known a lot of reasons but i need a good solid reason therefore i expect an elaborated reply.

    Answer ID: 1726

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 489/489=L)


    The most important reason is that the Quran and Hadith have prohibited it:

    صوتان ملعونان فی الدنیا والآخرۃ مزمار عند نعمۃ و رنۃ عند مصیبۃ

    The Ulama have described that music has been declared unlawful by this verse of the Quran:

    و من الناس من یشتری لھو الحدیث لیضل عن سبیل اللہ بغیر علم و یتخذھا ھزواً (الآیۃ)

    والحاصل ان الآیۃ حرمت کل الملاھی الملھیۃ عن عبادۃ اللہ تعالی، منھا الغناء والمزامیر (احکام القرآن: 3/185)

    And when it has been proved haram by the Quran and Hadith there is no need for any other proof.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India