• Faiths & Beliefs >> Innovations & Customs

    Question ID: 2009Country: India

    Title: Is It Islamic to Celebrate the Urs of Deads, Also is It Islamic to Build Shrine over the Graves of Muslims? What will be opinion of Shariat in Concern to the Taj Mahal at Agra. This also a Shrine Over the Graves. Is this Monument is Islamic?

    Question: Is It Islamic to Celebrate the Urs of Deads, Also is It Islamic to Build Shrine over the Graves of Muslims? What will be opinion of Shariat in Concern to the Taj Mahal at Agra. This also a Shrine Over the Graves. Is this Monument is Islamic?

    Answer ID: 2009

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 516/516=L)


    (1) It is not allowed to celebrate the urs of the dead:

    لایجوز ما یفعلہ الجھال بقبور الأولیاء والشھداء من السجود والطواف حولھا واتخاذ السرج والمساجد الیھا و من الاجتماع بعد الحول کالأعیاد و یسمونہ عرساً (تفسیر مظھری: بحوالہ فتاوی رشیدیہ: 135)


    (2) It is also not allowed:

    و فی الشامی: و عن أبی حنیفۃ یکرہ أن یبنی علیہ بناءً من بیت أو قبۃ أو نحو ذلک لما روی جابر: نھی رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم عن تجصیص القبور و أن یکتب علیھا و أن یبنی علیھا۔ (شامی: 3/144)

    The above text clearly says that it is prohibited to build mazar (a shrine or a mausoleum).

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India