• Prayers & Duties >> Hajj & Umrah

    Question ID: 9047Country: India

    Title: As salam aliakum, My question is regarding umrah. I stay in saudi arabia. When i go to umrah i see some people just cutting there hair from different parts of the head this practice is also done by my friends they will not remove hair nor they trim just cut the hair 3 ro 2 times while they are hanafi. please explain this matter in according to four madhabs. thanking you.

    Question: As salam aliakum, My question is regarding umrah. I stay in saudi arabia. When i go to umrah i see some people just cutting there hair from different parts of the head this practice is also done by my friends they will not remove hair nor they trim just cut the hair 3 ro 2 times while they are hanafi. please explain this matter in according to four madhabs. thanking you.

    Answer ID: 9047

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 2250/1844=B/1429)


    According to the Hanafi Fiqh, it is better to shave the entire head, it is enough if it is one fourth of head but it is makrooh tahrimi.  Yes, if it is less than one fourth then he will not be out of his ehram and he will be considered in the same state and will have to pay fine if commits any thing against ehram.

    و في بدائع الصنائع: فالأفضل حلق جمیع الرأس لقولہ عزوجل محلقین رؤوسکم، والرأس إسم للجمیع۔ وکذا روي أن النبي صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم حلق جمیع رأسہ ? ولو حلق بعض الرأس فإن حلق أقل من الربع لم یجزہ وإن حلق ربع الرأس أجزأہ و یکرہ (بدائع الصنائع 2:330، کتاب الحج)

    Note: In order to know the ruling of other madhhabs, please contact the concerning Ulama.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India