• Miscellaneous >> Dua (Supplications)

    Question ID: 4437Country: India

    Title: Can we immediately after the the farz prayers recite AAYATUL QURSI even though we have Sunnate Muakaddah salat after Zohar,Magrib and Isha.I have been asked by some not sit after the farz prayers for such Amaals when we have Sunnate Muakadah to be offered next.

    Question: Aas Salaamu aalaikum warahmatullahi wabarkatuh. Can we immediately after the the farz prayers recite AAYATUL QURSI even though we have Sunnate Muakaddah salat after Zohar,Magrib and Isha.I have been asked by some not sit after the farz prayers for such Amaals when we have Sunnate Muakadah to be offered next.

    Answer ID: 4437

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 477/477=M/1429)


    You can recite آیۃ الکرسی immediately after obligatory salah, but in salah which are preceded by sunnah and nafl one should first pray them (sunnah and nafl) and then recite آیۃ الکرسی and other things so that there is no long gap between farz (obligatory) and sunnah prayers:

    و فی الشامی: ما ورد من الاحادیث فی الاذکار عقیب الصلاۃ فلا دلالۃ فیہ علی الاتیان بھا قبل السنۃ بل یحمل علی الاتیان بھا بعدھا ۔۔۔ ان الاولی ان لا یقرء قبل السنۃ ولو فعل لا باس الخ

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India